Provide Undisputed Project Documentation
Your data is only as good as your ability to understand and communicate it. In this lesson, you will learn the basics of reporting through digital stationing, and how to effectively communicate your data for an undisputed project closeout.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Eliminating Project Conflicts with Centralized Documented Communication
A data portal is an information management tool for tracking project activity, metrics, and other key data points relevant to a crew, company, or specific process. Digital stationing simplifies complex data to provide users with at-a-glance awareness of current project performance through visualization. In this lesson, you will learn how to effectively track and document jobsite communication through your digital stationing data platform.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
How Digital Stationing is Used to Prove Contract Compliance
As the famous adage goes, what gets measured gets managed. But, how do you measure and track all jobsite activity to prove what work was completed and changed? An average project has over 300 types of activities that need to be documented. That can be pretty intimidating, especially if your team is relying on the data of this activity to be paid. In this lesson, you will learn how to incorporate digital stationing into your jobsite documentation to prove contract compliance.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Introduction to Project Closeout Concerns & Issues
We live in a data-driven world where business analytics and reporting is essential. It's impossible for organizations to close a project without the use of accurate and organized data. Through this course, you will learn the digital stationing fundamentals to analytics, managing and visualizing data, and aligning your teams around location-based documentation to create undisputed project closeout.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Use Pre-Construction CAD Files to Win Projects
Once you understand the basics of digital stationing, dive into the strategies that create more accurate bids. In this lesson, you'll learn the ins and outs of digital plan designs and how to optimize that information in a project bid.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Improving Your Project Bid Win Rate with Digital Stationing
Digital stationing does more than just showing where you are on a project. It is the fundamental element that allows you to win more bids. In this lesson, you'll learn how more bids are won with digital stationing.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
How to use Digital Design Files to Improve Bids
Great bids have a well thought-out pricing plan behind it. In this lesson, you'll learn how to strategize and plan your bids by using digital stationing to identify matrials needed, setting goals and objectives, and more.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Introduction to Digital Stationing in Letting Season
Digital stationing can work alongside your bidding efforts to maximize accepted bids. In this lesson, you'll learn how digital stationing can be applied during letting season.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
How to Eliminate the Transfer of Physical Documentation to a Digital System
Applying best practices in a real-world setting takes commitment. Every personnel has multiple responsibilities and tasks that need to be completed, and best practices are often the last item on a checklist of tasks. In this lesson, learn how you can implement digital stationing to reduce/eliminate double and null data with industry best practices.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Centralize and Ease Project Communication
There's a lot that goes into building roads and bridges, and it takes a great amount of collaboration between designers, road crews, and DOT's. By using the best practices of digital stationing, every individual touching a project will be highly informed and able to communicate across the duration of work without difficulty. And the best part - it will all be in one place. In this lesson, you'll learn how a digital stationing platform can centralize your texts, emails, photos, forms, and designs in one place.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
How Digital Stationing Improves On-Site Jobsite Location
Digital stationing is essential for long roadway projects to operate at max efficiency without losing money. In this lesson, you will learn about the benefits of digital stationing, and get insight on how other projects implement it and problem solve using the tool.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
What's Location-Based Documentation?
You're often asked to document work that is being completed. Between multiple forms, tests, and communication channels, it is hard to get documentation right or make it easy. Learn how easy it can be to adopt digital stationing.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Introduction to Digital Stationing
Being a part of a company who has been awarded a bid, it's your responsibility for building the project on time and within budget. It's not enough, however, for you and your company to simply show up and complete the project - you also need to have the proper technology and equipment to operate efficiently. In this lesson, explore how to use digital stationing to improve your on-site project location, visualize designs, centralize and ease communication efforts, and streamline project documentation.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
User Case: Digital Stationing in the Field
Glenn Etienne, President of Construction Engineering Solutions, LLC, covers how he swiftly implemented and currently uses digital stationing within his company.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
How Digital Stationing is used by Job Functions
There are many job functions that reference stationing on a jobsite from bid to close. This video will cover how these job functions can use digital stationing to alleviate the mistakes and frustrations currently created by physical stationing.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Why Civil Engineering Projects are Relying on Digital Stationing
Just like from file cabinets to cloud storage, every industry is moving away from this archaic style of information. Transforming paper plan sets to digitally documented information, all individuals across a project can access the most up-to-date information in real-time. Don't know your location? Don't know if you have the most up-to-date plans? Don't know if issues are getting resolved? These questions can all be answered quickly and accurately with digital stationing. This video will cover how to be a more confident information distributor.
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Common Physical Stationing Limitations
ver since the development of stationing, projects have used physical elements to communicate specific locations on a jobsite. Lathes, spray paint, and plastic flags, OH MY! These physical stations have turned out to be unreliable and limit jobsites from bid to close. This video will cover these limitations and what solution you can implement to solve for these roadblocks. (Pun intended)
'Produced and Edited By: Huth Motion Studio'
Introduction to Stationing
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