For Roadworkers.
We know acquiring reliable jobsite locationing is tough. This is why we have created an app to provide roadworkers with a powerful mobile location tool. It doesn’t stop there; we have also centralized communication within the app so you can effortlessly correspond with others on a project.
Quickly navigate your jobsite.
No matter the size of the project, locating is now hassle-free and paperless with OnStation. The Automatic Station Finder feature delivers accurate project location information within two feet of accuracy.
Measurements include the following:
Mile Marker
As Lionel Richie would say, 🎵 “It’s easy like Sunday morning.” 🎵
Let's not sugarcoat this, OnStation is one of the easiest apps to use. This is presented in the most recent blog post called, "The Results Are In…" Features within the app are very similar to ones already on your phone (messaging and camera), making it very easy for anyone to pick up the app and start using it right away.
You can be an OnStation pro in literally a day!
Become an all-star within your organization.
Introduce your team/organization to one of the top-rated civil engineering location platforms out there. OnStation is geared specifically towards highway/road construction (civil engineering). Between locating yourself on a project, communicating with others (even between organizations/contractors), providing project organization, and the exporting capabilities, OnStation can take your team to the next level.
A Word From Our Users.
We know there are a lot of systems out there within the industry that companies are trying to implement. We try taking tasks off our users’ to-do lists, not just add another dreadful app onto their devices.
Ready to Get Started?
Start your FREE 30 Day Trial today!