For Smaller Projects.
With a shift in the industry relying more heavily on technology, OnStation is an inexpensive tool to use no matter how big or small your project is. We provide premium features to ease project collaboration and supply reliable site locationing.
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– Tadd Owens
I literally can't do my job without this thing. You have a great app, if an older guy like me can pick it up and immediately start seeing the benefits.
In ten years or maybe tomorrow you WILL be using this or something like it. I lived through the revolution of GPS equipment being mounted on excavation equipment... trying at times and now it literally can't be done without it.
– Dylan Myers
OnStation is an incredibly helpful app that makes our jobs easier. I used it when there weren’t grade laths available. Also used it to figures distances for ordering mix.
Featured Projects
US 30
A INDOT Project
This intersection improvement project is located at the intersection of US 30 and County Road (CR) 500 E, which is located 5.01 miles east of State Route (SR) 205 (Reference Post (RP) -116+90 to RP 117+28) in Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. The approximate project length is 0.31 mile.
A SDDOT Project
This project is a 15-mile interstate reconstruction project in the westbound lanes of I90 in McCook County. Two bridges and one box culvert will be removed and replaced, and two other bridges will be resurfaced.
The purpose of the project is to improve the condition of the roadway surfacing and replace bridge structures due to age.
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