For Heavy Highway Projects.
With a shift in the industry relying more heavily on technology, OnStation is the newest innovative stationing tool being used. We provide premium features to ease project collaboration and location no matter the size of the road.
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– Tadd Owens
I literally can't do my job without this thing. You have a great app, if an older guy like me can pick it up and immediately start seeing the benefits.
In ten years or maybe tomorrow you WILL be using this or something like it. I lived through the revolution of GPS equipment being mounted on excavation equipment... trying at times and now it literally can't be done without it.
– Dylan Myers
OnStation is an incredibly helpful app that makes our jobs easier. I used it when there weren’t grade laths available. Also used it to figures distances for ordering mix.
Featured Projects
A WisDOT Project
The project widened the interstate from four to six lanes along most of the project area and a section of the interstate through Janesville from four to eight lanes.
The project overall reconfigured 11 interchanges, installing three diverging diamond interchanges and three roundabouts. The project also replaced 104 bridges and box culverts — including work to replace and raise the Rock River bridges in Edgerton. Crews also added to truck-parking spaces at rest areas in Janesville and Beloit and added new park and ride lots in Janesville and Edgerton.
US-69 Calera
A Oklahoma Department of Transportation Project
One of the largest projects in Oklahoma, US-69 is an example of visualization used at every stage of the project, from project bidding to the public meeting and onward into construction. Located just south of Durant, Oklahoma, Calera is a relatively small to moderate sized town with a much larger traffic volume due to the casino on its north side and proximity to the Texas border. Additionally, US-69 is part of a high-volume freight corridor that extends from Laredo, Texas to Canada. This higher traffic volume combined with the existing roadway design made the town susceptible to traffic accidents and frequent slowdowns, particularly whenever a train was going through town. As such, part of the goal for the visualization model was to highlight how the new design would address these traffic issues both during and after construction.
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