For Greenfield Projects.
Location is crucial when starting a project from scratch on a vacant site. We have eliminated the question of location by providing crews with an instant station finder tool.
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– Tadd Owens
I literally can't do my job without this thing. You have a great app, if an older guy like me can pick it up and immediately start seeing the benefits.
In ten years or maybe tomorrow you WILL be using this or something like it. I lived through the revolution of GPS equipment being mounted on excavation equipment... trying at times and now it literally can't be done without it.
– Dylan Myers
OnStation is an incredibly helpful app that makes our jobs easier. I used it when there weren’t grade laths available. Also used it to figure distances for ordering mix.
Featured Projects
West Davis Corridor
A UDOT Project
West Davis is a new 16-mile, 4-lane divided highway that will be constructed in western Davis County between the I-15/Legacy Parkway junction at approximately Glovers Lane in Farmington and the future extension of S.R. 193 in West Point. A map of the future highway is available on the project website here.
Freeway-style interchanges with on- and off-ramps will be built at Legacy/I-15
(Farmington), 950 North (Farmington), 200 North (Kaysville), 2700 West (Layton), 2000West (Syracuse), and Antelope Drive (Syracuse).
West Davis will include over 10 miles of new trail and new trail connections to create a consolidated system connecting Emigration Trail to Legacy Parkway Trail.
Hampstead Bypass
A NCDOT Project
The N.C. Department of Transportation is making improvements to the U.S. 17 corridor in Pender and New Hanover counties in an effort to improve traffic and safety. Work involves building a bypass around the town of Hampstead in Pender County.
The Hampstead Bypass is being built in two segments:
One segment (R-3300A) extends from N.C. 140 (formerly known as the U.S. 17 Wilmington Bypass) to N.C. 210. This segment is funded for construction in the current State Transportation Improvement Program.
Another segment (R-3300B) would extend from N.C. 210 to north of Hampstead. This segment is funded for construction in the current State Transportation Improvement Program.
Campbellsville Bypass
A Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Project
This project is a new 3.3 mile corridor between KY 55 and KY 70 in Taylor County with improvements to KY 55, KY 372 (Smith Ridge Road) and KY 70 at each of the new intersections.
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