DOT Special Offer.

OnStation - The bridge between your office and crew. Our software is designed for the heavy highway/civil engineering space to centralize data and deliver accurate locationing while on-site.

States With DOT Personnel Using OnStation


What’s Included.

  • Release your project in OnStation when it goes to bid letting. Estimators will be able to use the app and all of its features when putting bids together. Less questions = more accurate bids.

  • We don’t want your team to add and use another app they dread. Instead, one of our stationing experts will provide all users with an easy onboarding experience. Even though our app has been rated ‘Easy to Use,’ we will make sure all users in your organization are comfortable using OnStation.

  • Increase worker safety within project limits and in areas outside of a work zone. Send alerts to Waze and other driving navigation apps that a worker is on the road.

    *Opportunities available upon request.

  • Provide project wide communication across various teams and contractors on the job within OnStation.

  • Empower your highway maintenance workers with a mapping tool they can use to mark out issues on any road in your state.

  • OnStation is the most powerful, tightly integrated, and comprehensive locationing software available. You can now auto apply accurate station/alignments to every one of your e-tickets. Access and pricing options available upon request.

  • All project specific information recorded within an OnStation project can be provided in a secure private folder upon request. *Enterprise relationship required.

  • DOTs can purchase OnStation HERE or from the NASPO agreement via 3rd parties like Insight Global, SHI and OMINIA.


Learn More.